Making an Appointment
It is our usual practice to have prospective clients come to the office for an initial consultation. At this appointment, Mr. Riselli will preliminarily review and evaluate information regarding the potential case.
The charge for an initial consultation is $350, payable at the time of the appointment. Payment for the initial consultation may be made by cash, check or credit card.
In the event a prospective client is unable to come to our office for a consultation, background documents pertaining to the case may be mailed or delivered for review. Normally, there will be a $350.00 charge for the time associated with reviewing such documents. If Mr. Riselli is requested to initially review a significant number of documents, he reserves the right to increase the initial consultation charge.
If and when a prospective client decides to retain the firm, formal engagement terms will be discussed and outlined in an engagement letter from Mr. Riselli.
Please call (703) 690-0624 to schedule a consultation.